
Nadir Garofalo at the Salone del libro 2019 in Turin

Nadir Garofalo has been invited to the Salone del libro 2019 in Turin for a conference on the next 11th of May 2019. He will be hosted by Federazione Unitaria Italiana Scrittori, to talking about his essay Sulla necessità interpretativa: elementi del circolo ermeneutico musicale in Orfeo tra Biocapitalismo e proprietà intellettuale. Etica ed estetica dell’interpretazione vocale (About the interpretation necessity: elements of the music hermeneutic circle in Orfeo between the Biocapitalism and the intellectual property. Ethics and aesthetics of the vocal performance), edited by Lisa La Pietra, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2019.

Update: video of the event.
